Whether you are working as a custody assistant, jailer, or supervisor in a local correctional facility, you are required to complete annual training yearly. Certified First offers various courses throughout the year that can help you meet the annual training requirements. Annual training courses range from one hour to 40 hours in length. Each course has multiple methods of delivery from instructor led, virtual let, and self-paced online courses. Below you will see courses that are currently approved by Standard and Training for Corrections (STC). In addition, courses that are currently in the approval process are shown. If you or your organization are interested in a course that is not currently being offered, please contact us and we will work on offering that course.

Chemical Agents
STC# 09438797

Autism Awareness for Law Enforcement
STC # 02028877

Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement
STC# 07302629

Parole 101
STC# 05576163

Title 15 §1024 Training
STC# 07931742

Report Writing
STC# 03655897

Bloodborne Pathogens
STC# 08561648

First Aid for Public Safety Personnel (Title 22)
Pending STC Approval
Upcoming Courses
- Booking and Admissions
- Classification of Inmates
- Contraband Control
- Courtroom Testimony
- De-Escalation Skills
- Disciplinary Procedures in a Custody Setting
- Introduction to Drugs
- Escorting Inmates
- Ethics
- Jail Release Procedures
- Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Overview
- Suicide Prevention
- Use of Force